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Selling Multiple Quantities

We will be going over the 3 different ways you can sell a multiple quantities of a product. 


 Utilize the Pin Button

  1. First Click on the Category desired.
  2. Click on the Pin Button the top right corner. You will know it has been enabled because the pin color will change from White to Red.
  3. Once enabled click away! Now you are to sell different products in a category without the category window closing



What if I want to sell more than one quantity of a particular product? 

 Utilize Quantity drop down selector! 

  1. First click on the desired category
  2. On the bottom left corner there is a drop down menu click on the desire quantity
  3. Lastly click on the desired product
  4. Your check should now be populated with the selected product and quantity

Selling multiple quantities of single item

    Change quantity within the product

  1. Add respective item to a new check
  2. Once the desired item is on the check click on the item
  3. Click on Quantity  
  4. Change Quantity to desire amount
  5. Click ok and now you have multiple quantities on a single product