Sales Tax - GST - VAT
This article with walk you through the quick process of setting up your tax percentage, and editing how the taxes are added to your products at the point of sale.
Where do I edit my local tax rate?
1. In the /sp_admin > Setting > Advanced Settings > Taxes
2. Click the pencil to edit the #2 line labeled 'Sale Tax'
3. Click the Floppy disk to save!
// Here, you can edit the percentage, as well as, the label if you need to change it to GST or VAT.
Where do I edit how my taxes are applied?
// The Clubspeed Install team will adjust this for you based on the form you filled out.
In the In the /sp_admin > Setting >Control Panel > select 'MainEngine' in the drop down, and wait 2 seconds for it to load.
Scroll down to the 'UseSalesTax' setting. Click the Pencil to Edit.
True - Apply taxes on cost of product (USA, Mexico, Canada)
False - Include taxes in the cost of the product (GST & VAT)
// Canada GST/PST
Has2Taxes - Set to True, by checking the box, and Save!
// NOTE: You will have to wait for a mainengine reset for this to go live, or you can reach out to support and they can manually restart it for you at any time.
Now, when you go back to the Taxes section, it will now show you GST & PST.
1. Add 'New Tax' (If needed), or edit current tax line.
2. Enter in Description
3. Enter in total TOTAL tax percentage (GST + PST)
4. Enter in GST amount (It will automatically calculate the PST
5. Click SAVE!