Resova - Managing Inventory and Pricing for Extras
You can manage the inventory and pricing for Extras.
- On the left side menu, click on 'Inventory', then 'Extras'
- On the right side of the desired Extra, click on the 'Manage'
- Click on the 'Inventory & Pricing' tab at the top
Configuring Inventory and Pricing for Extras
- Title (The Default name will be locked/Options can be named)
- SKU (Available only for ResovaPay users)
- Min Qty P/B (The minimum that must be purchased per booking)
- Max Qty P/B (The maximum that can be purchased per booking)
- Stock (The available stock. Available only for ResovaPay users)
- Price (Price of the Extra and Options)
Adding Variations
On the Inventory & Pricing page, click on the green '+Add option' button.
Deleting Variations
On the Inventory & Pricing page, click on the red 'Remove variation' trash icon on the right side of the desired Variation.
Changing Visibility of Variations
On the Inventory & Pricing page, click on the green '+Add option' button.