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Resova - Managing Inventory and Pricing for Extras

You can manage the inventory and pricing for Extras.

  1. On the left side menu, click on 'Inventory', then 'Extras'
  2. On the right side of the desired Extra, click on the 'Manage'
  3. Click on the 'Inventory & Pricing' tab at the top


Configuring Inventory and Pricing for Extras

  • Title (The Default name will be locked/Options can be named)
  • SKU (Available only for ResovaPay users)
  • Min Qty P/B (The minimum that must be purchased per booking)
  • Max Qty P/B (The maximum that can be purchased per booking)
  • Stock (The available stock. Available only for ResovaPay users)
  • Price (Price of the Extra and Options)

Adding Variations

On the Inventory & Pricing page, click on the green '+Add option' button.

Deleting Variations

On the Inventory & Pricing page, click on the red 'Remove variation' trash icon on the right side of the desired Variation.

Changing Visibility of Variations

On the Inventory & Pricing page, click on the green '+Add option' button.

Always remember to click 'Save & update' to save the changes.
