Release Notes: Version 20.5
Released November 2020
Club Booking / Reg Kiosk : Check in to booking via Kiosk
- Your customers can now Check-in or Register directly into there reservations using their booking confirmation code.
- Find out more here!
Club Booking : Check Balance Fix
- Club Booking Adjustment Voucher to alleviate tax discrepancy that is either owed or overpaid.
- Automatically applied for efficiency!
Club Booking : Event Names
- Choose between using the Event Name or Customer's Name + Booking Code.
- Let support know which setting you prefer!
- Details Here!
IPG : Payment Processor Integration
- Benefits to Customer: 3D Secure
- North America customers active now - Working on International Partners!
- Phone Payments
- Auto-bill
- e-gift card portal
NEW E-Gift Card Platform
- Brand new Online Gift Card sales platform.
- Setup Instructions Here!
Waiver Resign at Kiosk
- Customers with Waiver Flag set to 'Not Signed' can now re-sign at the registration kiosk using the Check-in option.
Clover: Credit Card Fee
- Pass the credit card fee on to your customers now integrated with Clover
- Let Support know what you would like the percentage or amount to be set to!
Reporting: Weekly Sales Report
- Sales Report based on Product Classes & Days of the Week
Reporting: Marketing by Postal Code
- Sales Report based on total sale by Postal code
Popular Items
- You can now control what products show in the popular items section of the POS!
- Contact Support to set these up!
- Club Booking - Racer Name Field is now populated with First and Last name of customer
- Club Booking - Can no longer book into a 'Closed' heat
- Club Booking - Negative quantity in Reservation from incomplete bookings
- POS - On Screen Keyboard now works with letters, again
- POS - Event Calendar notes character limit 4,000
- POS - Events with same status color are now separated with a solid line
- POS - Heat numbers in Venue now match in Race Control
- POS - Customers checking in at kiosk as a Walk-in are added to queue
- Clover - Cover Max Tipping Setting