Event Queues Explained
V.19 Queues Explained
Prior to V.19 we had a Regular Queue & Event Queue.
We are now adding on the Event Reservation Queue!
How these will work in conjunction with each other:
1. Booking Queue Manager
The queue manager allows the user to edit the event reservation queue and event queues.
Login to SP_Intake .
On the left navigation menu select “Calendar”.
Right click on the calendar and click “New Booking”.
Fill in an event name and click the “Manage Queues” button.
2. Transfer Queues
On this screen you may transfer customers from queue to queue. The queues listed in the drop-down list will include the regular queue, event reservation queue, and the event queues.
Bring up the Queue Manager.
Click the “Transfer” button.
Add to Queue
This will allow us to search for customers and add them to a particular queue.
Bring up the Queue Manager.
Select a queue from the drop-down list.
Click the “Add” button.
Search for a customer.
Remove from Queue
This will allow us to unassign customers from a queue. queue.
Bring up the Queue Manager.
Select a queue from the drop-down list. This should contain the customer that you would like to remove from the queue.
Select the customer name in the grid.
Click the “Remove” button.
Check in
When this button is clicked it will take all of the customers in the event reservation queue and place them into the event queue.
Login to SP_Intake .
On the left navigation menu select “Calendar”.
Select a booking that already has an event assigned to it.
Click the “Check In” button.