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Sector Timing - Big Scoreboard Only

This article will cover how to set up your display to include additional sectors on the Big Scoreboard.

Create a step-by-step guide


A Quick Refresh on Sector Timing:

// Break the race track into sections so racers can compare their times in those sectors

  • Each sector will require its own decoder and timing loop!

  • Reach out to Support for details on ordering additional Hardware, and installation.


Use the Big Scoreboard:


Step 1: Access your Admin portal to make changes to your Speed Screen

// The scoreboards are setup in the /admin  panel under the SpeedScreen section.




Step 2: Add a Scoreboard slide, then customize your settings

//  There is a slide called Scoreboard you can add to the channels, and you can choose between the “Big” scoreboard and the “Classic” scoreboard themes. 

  • Choose BIG Scoreboard 
  • The Big Scoreboard configuration will recognize if you utilize sectors and include them on the scoreboard automatically. 



Step 3: Adjust the settings to your personal preference

// This screen shot is our current “BIG” theme with the S1 and S2 columns added. This would be for a track that has 2 sectors.



// Here is an example of a scoreboard that is utilizing 3 sectors on the track