Sector Timing - Big Scoreboard Only
This article will cover how to set up your display to include additional sectors on the Big Scoreboard.
Create a step-by-step guide
A Quick Refresh on Sector Timing:
// Break the race track into sections so racers can compare their times in those sectors
Each sector will require its own decoder and timing loop!
Reach out to Support for details on ordering additional Hardware, and installation.
Use the Big Scoreboard:
Step 1: Access your Admin portal to make changes to your Speed Screen
// The scoreboards are setup in the /admin panel under the SpeedScreen section.
Step 2: Add a Scoreboard slide, then customize your settings
// There is a slide called Scoreboard you can add to the channels, and you can choose between the “Big” scoreboard and the “Classic” scoreboard themes.
- Choose BIG Scoreboard
- The Big Scoreboard configuration will recognize if you utilize sectors and include them on the scoreboard automatically.
Step 3: Adjust the settings to your personal preference
// This screen shot is our current “BIG” theme with the S1 and S2 columns added. This would be for a track that has 2 sectors.
// Here is an example of a scoreboard that is utilizing 3 sectors on the track