Racing Summary Report
The Racing Summary report give you an overall look at your customer intake for any given period, or day of the week within a given period.
The top section shows you exactly how many customers visited your facility, how many of them were new, and .if they were participating in a specific event type or simply a walk in.
The middle section shows you the total number of Racers and total number of Heats completed of each heat type
The bottom section shows you exactly how busy you are within each hour period you have a heat scheduled, so open to close. It also breaks down the number of racers that participated in an event race versus a walk-in race for each period.
EXAMPLE Racing Summary Report
// This report is ran for an entire month for the Go Kart Track 1 Venue!
Purpose #1
The Time Slot section on the bottom is most helpful when it comes to scheduling staff! You can run the Race Summary report for the entire month as the date range, and then select to only view a single day of the week (Wednesday, in this example). Now you can see exactly what your busy and slow times are throughout the entire day, just for that specific day of the week. If you are slow, the first 3 hours on Wednesdays, then you know you can schedule less staff, versus bringing on more staff later in the day because it is busier.
Purpose #2
OR, you may want to start offering specials that are only available during those slow times to drive more sales!
Example: Lunch & Race combo, discounted of course, to attract those businesses nearest to you
Purpose #3
Since the top section shows us the amount of new customers that are registering, and you notice a drop in sign ups on any certain day, you now know the day you want to market a special to first time guests to continue to build your clientele.