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Quickbooks Desktop


Club Speed provides a flexible export system that allows for custom field name replacements at export time.

Mappings between Club Speed Account Name and your custom name are created by matching the AccountNumber field and then attaching any variables in the 'Replacements' section and then running the report to save/process.

Account Numbers for custom accounts can be updated in your /SP_ADMIN under 'Settings > Advanced Settings > Product Classes'

Quickbooks Desktop is a more manual process, but much easier to setup. 



Here’s an example file snippet for the export, located in the SP_Admin > Reports > Accounting > Export section. 


You will need to manually map ALL the revenue classes and tenders to a GL account in Quickbooks or the import will fail. Please refer to the PRODUCT CLASS setup article here.


1. Copy this to a notepad file.

2. Change the mappings to suit the customer revenue classes and GL accounts.

3. Then paste it back into the export field. 

4. Once the mapping is correct you can click the Export button to get your IIF file that will be imported into the customer’s Quickbooks Desktop software. [Don't forget to select the date you wish to pull before running]


NOTE: This can be a trial & error process in order to get it just right. IF this report is not matching 100% in your Quickbooks account, you will need to 'undo' the import, make the necessary changes in the export log, and try again.




SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65014 - Cash,,##CASH##,##YYYYMMDD##,Cash

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65010 - Amex,,##AMEX##,##YYYYMMDD##,Amex

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65011 - Visa,,##VISA##,##YYYYMMDD##,Visa

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65012 - Master Card,,##MC##,##YYYYMMDD##,MC

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65013 - Discover,,##DISC##,##YYYYMMDD##,Discover

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65015 - Check,,##CHECK##,##YYYYMMDD##,Check

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65019 - Gift Certificates,,##GIFTCARD##,##YYYYMMDD##,Gift Card

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65018- Voucher,,##VOUCHER##,##YYYYMMDD##,Voucher

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65017 - Comps,,##COMPLIMENTARY##,##YYYYMMDD##,Complimentary


SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65070 - Memberships,,##CLASS2##,##YYYYMMDD##,Sales By Classes

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,87000 - Karting,,##CLASS1##,##YYYYMMDD##,Sales By Classes

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,65020 - Sales Tax,,##TAXES##,##YYYYMMDD##,Sales Taxes

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Discounts - 99999,,##DISCOUNT1##,##YYYYMMDD##,Item Discount

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Discounts - 99999,,##DISCOUNT2##,##YYYYMMDD##,Check Discount

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Prepayments - 99999,,##PREPAYMENTS##,##YYYYMMDD##,PrePayments

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Prepayments Used - 99999,,##PREPAYMENTSUSED##,##YYYYMMDD##,PrePayments Used                                

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Over Paid - 99999,,##OVERPAID##,##YYYYMMDD##,Over Payment

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Gift Card Sales - 99999,,##GIFTCARDSALES##,##YYYYMMDD##,Sales GiftCard

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Expenses Out - 99999,,##EXPENSEOUT##,##YYYYMMDD##,Expense Out

SPL,,GENERAL JOURNAL,##DATE##,,Expenses In - 99999,,##EXPENSEIN##,##YYYYMMDD##,Expense In






In your /ADMIN dashboard, navigate to Reports > Accounting Export. You will need to map all of your GL accounts in the REPLACEMENTS field. 


Usage Examples

Variables may be appended by separating them with the pipe character '|' and the format: VARIABLE=VALUE.

Example: ##CASH_PAYMENT##=4010|Class=My Class

This maps the ##CASH_PAYMENT## account to account number 4010 and also assigns the variable 'Class' the value of 'My Class'.

Each time you run the export, the Replacement Mappings are saved.

The exported date format default may be overridden with the 'Date_Format' variable using PHP date() options.

Example: ##CASH_PAYMENT##=4010|Date_Format=d/m/Y

Pre-defined Account Names

  • ##TAXES##
  • ##EXPENSES##
  • ##GRATUITY##
  • ##FEE##
  • Plus any custom payment types and accounts

Quickbooks Variables

  • Class

Example: ##CASH_PAYMENT##=4010|Class=My Class





  • Choose your export file type in the top right.
  • Import into your Quickbook program