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Labor Comparison by Hour

This report breaks down your hourly sales by your total number of staff clocked in for that time frame.



Example Report


Time Slot: Based on the first clock in time, and the last clock out time.

Avg. No. of Items: Average number of products sold during this hour

Total Time (Min): Total number of minutes clocked in payroll report

Avg Time (Min) Per Day): Average Time Per day 

// When report is ran for more than one day

Total Users: Total number of employees clocked in for this hour

Avg Users Per Day: Average number of employees clocked in for this hour period 

// When report is ran for more than one day

Labor: Total Labor cost for this hour period

Sales: Total Sales for this hour period

Variance: Calculated ( Labor ÷ Sales ) X 100 ...  Labor cost divided by Net Sales, multiplied by 100





Customize the report by filtering for specific days of the week. For example, if you'd like to see your labor by hour on Mondays, set your date range for the past month, and then un-check all the weekdays except for Monday, and then run the report.