Can't Connect To Printer Or Drawer
1. First thing to check is if there are any error lights on the printer. If the printer is out of paper, or has some other mechanical error, you will not be able to print reciepts or open the drawer (the cash drawer is controlled by the printer).
2. Second thing to try is the "Cannot connect to printer or drawer" button located in the Club Speed Menu. From the POS, click on the Club Speed logo in the top left. In the menu that pops up there is the aforementioned button. Click this button, then click the reset button to reset the connection to the printer.
3. If that doesn't work, or you get an error, try manually reseting the printer. This can be done with the following steps:
- Turn off the printer from the black switch on the front of the printer.
- Press and HOLD the FEED button down.
- While still holding the Feed button, turn the printer back on with the black switch.
- Wait until a small reciept prints out, it might take about 10 seconds.
- Release the Feed button, then press it one more time and another, larger reciept should print out.
You just manually reset your printer.
Try printing a receipt from Club Speed and opening your drawer. If you still have issues, give support a call.